how to search and find work

Employers are looking for you
At the end of last year, we interviewed employers to understand exactly how they use the resume database on About 100 representatives of Russian companies told by what criteria the search is in the first place.

Searching for a resume on the site works without artificial intelligence, these are filters that the employer sets himself. As can be seen from the results of the survey, first of all, they are selected by professional field, experience and the name of the resume. For employers to notice the resume, you need to correctly indicate the specialization and the name of the position for which you are applying.

Sometimes employers are looking for specialists with experience in a particular company, looking at the overall work experience and education. Fill out the CV completely so that it is easier for employers to find you.

You are looking for employers
Since November, has been running a smart job search based on artificial intelligence. He is looking for suitable job offers, based on the text of the last updated resume from the applicant.

To decide that a particular vacancy is suitable for a particular resume, artificial intelligence analyzes millions of responses and invitations to and looks for the relationship between them. Here are a few important signs on which the selection of vacancies for a particular applicant depends on at the moment:

professional area in the resume,
correlation between the last experience of the candidate and job description,
coincidence of the city in vacancies and resumes,
job title and resume title,
salary amount
similarity of resume and vacancy texts,
similarity of the name of the vacancy and the names of all previous positions of the candidate.
The coincidence of names or descriptions in resumes and vacancies should not be verbatim: artificial intelligence learns by itself and can distinguish a project manager from a sales manager. But he is unlikely to be able to recognize a technical support specialist in the "smile manager". Therefore, it is better to call a position in both the resume and the vacancy in the most unpretentious way: the way everyone is used to talking about it.

How to improve your search
To make the work convenient and enjoyable, and the vacancies to be easy, remember several important points.

1. Summary notice by name. If you worked as a junior engineer, but apply for the position of chief, write “chief engineer”.

2. Update your resume. So it will be higher in the search for employers.

3. Fill out the resume. This affects the vacancies that smart search will offer.

4. Check the city and professional area. They are important for both the employer and smart search. It's a shame if an accidental error in filling prevents you from finding a job.

5. More carefully with a description of the experience. If a person has worked as an aircraft technician for seven years, but wants to become a carpenter, it is likely that he will often come across aircraft jobs. But do not be silent about your experience. One solution is to combine the entries into one: “2012-2018. - aircraft engineering. ”

6. Respond. Not all employers have access to the resume database, and therefore to the contacts of applicants. They will only be able to chat with you after a response.

Of course, this is only part of the factors that influence the search. Behind the resume, like the employer, there are always people and we want to help them meet. Good luck with your search!


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