Five Resume Samples

We know how difficult it is sometimes to choose formulations. Therefore, the experts of the “Ready Resume” compiled five samples for users that will inspire and help put their own resume in order.
Specialist without experience
In the title of the resume, be sure to indicate the desired position, even if you do not have experience in this profession. Combine work in several companies in one record if this is an irrelevant experience for a vacancy. And do not forget about the cover letter: in the sample resume for a specialist with no experience there is a short instruction for its preparation.

Office Manager
In administrative positions, knowledge of programs and language is important. In such resumes, it can sometimes be difficult to highlight achievements, but our sample has advice on how to do this.

Sales Manager
This is one of the most sought-after professions in the market: 31% of vacancies on are published in the Sales area. Correctly presenting achievements and telling about yourself will help a sample resume for this position.

Each sector in accounting has its own specifics of work. We wrote in detail in one of the articles about how to create an accountant’s resume, and a sample resume will help you focus on the main thing.

It’s not easy for managers to look for work: they need to not only fulfill plans, but also be able to communicate with top management and subordinates. What to tell the employer about ourselves, we described in the sample resume of the head.


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