How to create a resume that will interest the employer

The experience should look whole
Frequent job changes or lengthy gaps in seniority are an alarming signal for a manager. If there were breaks, explain their reasons: they took maternity leave, switched to freelance, and started their own business. Imagine a gap in seniority as a valuable step that helped you move on.

The last three years of work are important
The beginning of your career tells us a little about your professional level now. Requirements for professions are changing, standards and documents - too. Indicate in the resume the latest jobs and your responsibilities. Highlight 4-5 main tasks and describe them in an understandable language manager. The initial stages of a career can be mentioned very briefly or you can combine several records into one if you often changed jobs while remaining in the same position.

Highlight Achievements and Outcomes
Talk about your experience in concrete and measurable terms. What has changed in the company due to your work? You can use article on the page

“Engaged in business process optimization” - “Developed corporate standards for service quality control”

“Carried out cold calls and active sales” - “For six months, increased the base of primary customers of the company by 20%”

Determine the level of expectations
A mark about the desired salary will weed out inappropriate vacancies and guide employers. Afraid of scaring off a recruiter or missing out on potential benefits? Look for similar vacancies, compare your wishes with the average salary for the market in your region. Read more about this in one of our articles.

Highlight Key Skills
Key skills - special knowledge and skills that are applied in a specific field. For a marketer, “SWOT analysis” and “Development of a promotion strategy” are suitable, for a financier - “Budgeting” and “Risk assessment”, and so on.

The system will tell you the shortest and most used version of a particular skill - if possible, choose it. Avoid the obvious: knowledge of Windows and Chrome can be omitted, but the skills of “1C: Bitrix” or “b2b-selling” are your advantage over other candidates.

Section "About Me"
A well-designed "About Me" section highlights a candidate and increases the chances of receiving an invitation. Write only about what will be interesting to the potential employer and help you get the desired position.

Personal qualities
Move away from the cliche: sociability, diligence, stress resistance are found in every second resume. Remember your distinguishing features and working methods or describe the usual qualities in more detail.

Bad: I am distinguished by responsibility and punctuality.

Better: Be conscientious in completing tasks. I am able to work in conditions of uncertainty and make decisions independently.

Have you won the city chess championship or programming olympiad? Write about it, and omit common interests.

Bad: I am fond of reading and sports.

Better: CCM for swimming and climbing. In my free time I read books on business and self-development.

To process a resume faster, managers search by keyword. For a developer, these are the names of programming languages, for an accountant, versions of configurations. Use the right keys to make you easier to find.

Leave convenient contacts
Indicate a simple email address: ideally, the first letter of the name and surname. This is a rule of business etiquette and a sign of a professional approach to work. If necessary, leave a telephone for communication - one number will be enough. Indicate the city in the home address bar and, if desired, the nearest metro.

Choose a suitable photo
Photography in the resume is a plus, regardless of the field of activity and position. A portrait is suitable where you calmly look at the camera and your face is clearly visible. Use a business or neutral photo in your resume, and save your holiday and holiday pictures for your home archive.

How to write
The final text of the resume should be a squeeze, which contains only the most necessary information. Most resumes are of the same type, therefore it is better to write about yourself simply and on business. Avoid complex turns and official formulations.

Bad: The duties I performed effectively were highly valued at my previous job.

Better: I keep my deadlines and report carefully.


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